Σάββατο 30 Απριλίου 2016

DOS SINAIS DOS FINS DOS TEMPOS THE AT SIGN @ WITH THIS SIGN YOU WIN THE ROMAN EMPIRE @ At sign Punctuation apostrophe ’ ' brackets [ ] ( ) { } ⟨ ⟩ colon : comma , ، 、 dash ‒ – — ― ellipsis … ... . . . exclamation mark ! full stop, period . hyphen ‐ hyphen-minus - question mark ? quotation marks ‘ ’ “ ” ' ' " " semicolon ; slash, stroke, solidus / ⁄ Word dividers interpunct · space     General typography ampersand & asterisk * at sign @ backslash \ bullet • caret ^ dagger † ‡ degree ° ditto mark ″ inverted exclamation mark ¡ inverted question mark ¿ number sign, pound, hash, octothorpe # numero sign № obelus ÷ multiplication sign × ordinal indicator º ª percent, per mil % ‰ plus and minus + − equals sign = basis point ‱ pilcrow ¶ prime ′ ″ ‴ section sign § tilde ~ underscore, understrike _ vertical bar, pipe, broken bar | ‖ ¦ Intellectual property copyright © sound-recording copyright ℗ registered trademark ® service mark ℠ trademark ™ currency symbols ₳ ​ ฿ ​ ₵ ​¢ ​₡ ​₢ ​ $ ​₫ ​₯ ​ ₠ ​€ ​ ƒ ​₣ ​ ₲ ​ ₴ ​ ₭ ​ ₺ ​ ℳ ​₥ ​ ₦ ​ ₧ ​₱ ​₰ ​£ ​ ៛ ​₽ ​₹ ₨ ​ ₪ ​ ৳ ​₸ ​₮ ​ ₩ ​ ¥ Uncommon typography asterism ⁂ hedera ❧ index, fist ☞ interrobang ‽ irony punctuation ⸮ lozenge ◊ reference mark ※ tie ⁀ The at sign, @, normally read aloud as "at", also commonly called the at symbol or commercial at, is originally an accounting and commercial invoice abbreviation meaning "at a rate of" (e.g. 7 widgets @ £2 = £14). In contemporary use, the at-sign is most commonly used in email addresses. It was not included on the keyboard of the earliest commercially successful typewriters, but was on at least one 1889 model[1] and the very successful Underwood models from the "Underwood No. 5" in 1900 onward. It is now universally included on computer keyboards. The mark is encoded at U+0040 @ COMMERCIAL AT (HTML @). The fact that there is no single word in English for the symbol has prompted some writers to use the French arobase[2] or Spanish and Portuguese arroba, or to coin new words such as asperand,[3] ampersat[4] and strudel[5]), but none of these have achieved wide usage.

dos sinais e dos signos que nos controlam

e controlam o mundo dos homens

um sinal para os controlar a todos @

1 σχόλιο:

  1. s Benjaminem bylo naprosto skvělé pracovat. byl velmi jasný, důkladný a trpělivý, když prováděl mou ženu a mě procesem půjčky. byl také velmi aktuální a tvrdě pracoval, aby se ujistil, že je vše připraveno jít před uzavřením půjčky. pan benjamin je úvěrový úředník spolupracující se skupinou investorů, kteří nám pomáhají získat prostředky na nákup našeho nového domu, můžete ho kontaktovat, pokud chcete získat půjčku za dostupnou nízkou sazbu 2 rio e-mailem. 247officedept@gmail.com nebo whatsapp chat: + 1-989-394-3740
