Σάββατο 10 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Unconscious plagiarism explained MANY GEORGE BUSH AND STALINIAN MANIAS...SINCE Zarathustra example Glossolalia Helen Smith's Martian language The names in Ivenes' mystic System show rudimentary glossolalia The Cryptomncsic picture may enter consciousness as an hallucination Or arrive at consciousness by motor automatism By automatisms regions formerly sealed are made accessible Hypermnesia Thought- reading a prototype for extraordinary intuitive knowledge of som- nambulists and some normal persons Association-concordance Possibility that concept and feeling are not always clearly separated SOARES UND COSTA MENTALITY must be regarded as extraordinary.Effect of parental POLITICAL discord on APRIL children SYNDROME Unconscious tendency to repetition of parental mistakes Case of pathological association-concordance between mother OF ALL SOCIALISMUS and daughter PARTIES Neurosis, a counter-argument against the personality with which the patient is most nearly concerned How to free the individual from unconscious attachments to the milieu

  • large groups of intellectual and
    emotional deficiency, there remain those deficiencies coloured
    pre-eminently by hysteria or epilepsy (epileptoid) or neuras-
    thenia, which are not notably deficiency of the intellect or of
    feeling. It is pre-eminently in this region, insusceptible of
    any absolute classification, that the above-named conditions
    play their part. As is well known, they can appear as part
    manifestations of a typical epilepsy or hysteria, or can exist
    separately in the realm of psychopathic mental deficiency,
    where their qualifications of epileptic or hysterical are often
    due to the non-essential accessory features. It is thus the
    rule to count somnambulism among hysterical diseases,
    because it is occasionally a phenomenon of severe hysteria,
    or because mild so-called hysterical symptoms may accompany it.